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♥ Love Notes ♥

by Suze L. Cima

Once upon a time, there was this teenage girl who watched many chick flicks and 80s movies because she didn’t know any better. She dreamed of meeting the type of boys featured in these films. This girl eventually grew up and starting writing reviews for Moviejawn. Her taste in movies may have changed, but these crushes remain the same. Just in time for Valentine's Day, here are some love notes to my top five teenage movie crushes.

5. Jeremy (Shopgirl):
Meet me at the Laundromat at 7 PM. I hope you remember. Oh, I don’t care. You’re so cute with your vintage band tees, shaggy hair, and scruff.

4. Jake Ryan (Sixteen Candles):
You make sweater vests look good.  I’m going to let the two first names thing slide.

3. Tom  (500 Days of Summer):
We can take long walks in the park while listening to The Smiths. I’ll never break your heart.

2. Marty McFly  (Back To the Future):
Listen, while you’re off saving our future children from chaos maybe we could go for a Pepsi Free sometime?

1. Lloyd Dobler (Say Anything):
I’ll always be there for you, Lloyd. Maybe choose a different song next time? I’m not really into Peter Gabriel. All the love in my heart.